Katie Howard has been married to her husband Benjamin for almost five years. They have two little girls, Charlotte (2 years) and Ivy (2 months). Katie has been a registered nurse for over eight years at Owensboro Health and has specialized in pediatrics, women's health, and surgical care over the years. She is currently in the process of becoming certified through Postpartum Support International.
She is active at Bridgepointe Church. Her and her husband both serve in the tech ministry and lead a small group. She loves to spend her free time with her family and friends.


LISA & JIM GLOVER | Vice President & Board Member 

Lisa lives with her husband Jim in Owensboro Kentucky, and they have been married 49 years. They are parents of three married children and one of her greatest passions is spending time with their 13 grandchildren and four great grandchildren. They both have a heart for mentoring those who need guidance while going through various trials they face in life. Lisa’s experience has been through leading women ‘s ministries, Bible studies, children’s Awana and VBS. Having gone through many trials in her own life, she has a great compassion to help others.


Benjamin has been married to his wife Katie for almost five years. They have two little girls, Charlotte (2 years) and Ivy (2 months). He has been a registered nurse at Owensboro Health for over eight years. He has specialized in rehabilitation and recently in the last couple of years infection prevention. 
He is active at his church, Bridgepointe, in the tech team and leading a small group. He loves spending time with his family and friends and also playing the occasional video game.


The main thing to know about me is that I am a passionate Jesus follower. He is the absolute love of my life. I became a believer at 14 and though there have been mistakes and stumbles along the way, I have been running hard and fast after Him since I surrendered my life as a teenager. I love my family dearly and know they love me too. However, I have come to understand that no one loves me like Jesus loves me. He has, and will, move mountains for me. He is faithful and true and always good. I desire to embrace the call to ministry on my life and help serve and love others through Fireside Ministries and the local church. I have recently received my masters from Liberty University and am a licensed social worker. And very much enjoy being a GeeGee!
Bio coming soon…



Olivia is 24 years old, and graduated from Kentucky Wesleyan College with a degree in Biology. Currently, Olivia works at Owensboro Health in the medical lab, and plans to finish out the training needed to become a Medical Laboratory Scientist. She attends Workman for Christ church, where she helps with tech and sound when needed. She has a passion for working and serving others, and spreading God’s love!

LOGAN LAKE | Board Member

Logan is 23 years old and recently graduated from Kentucky Wesleyan College with a degree in Religion and is preparing to attend Southern Theological Seminary for his Masters program. Logan has worked at Eaton Memorial Bapist Church since January of 2022 as their Childrens Pastor. He is passionate about growing his gifts and growing disciples for the Kingdom. 

TONY SHOUSE | Board Member

Tony Shouse has been married nearly 25 years to Shellie Shouse and they have 2 children and live in Beaver Dam Kentucky. He’s been serving as Senior Pastor at Eaton Memorial Baptist church since September of 2020. Tony is a graduate of Georgetown College and the Baptist Seminary of Kentucky. His only passion is to make Jesus known!
Keith Price is married to his wife Dawna. They live in Livermore KY where they have raised their family of 5 children, many medically fragile foster children (over a 13 year period) and currently are enjoying the role of being grandparents. He has been a Sunday School teacher for many years and is active in his church and the Chrysalis community.

KEITH PRICE | Board Member

the vision

Keep the home fires burning…and set the world ablaze.

Fireside Ministries exists to help people take their first step or their next step with Jesus Christ.

Isaiah 32:18 states that “My people will live in peaceful dwelling places, in secure homes, in undisturbed places of rest.”

The first institution God ordained was the family and a family’s home life is where hearts and minds are most often shaped. Today’s families face a battleground of unrest. Anxiety, depression, bondage to debt and addiction, and feelings of hopelessness all seek to destroy. As Christ followers, we know that Jesus is the Answer to all of these problems. Fireside Ministries is called to come alongside individuals and families and point them in one direction…toward Jesus Christ.

Preserving and protecting families is at the forefront of the ministry and we seek to offer practical tools to move you forward to a healthy and more peaceful place.

areas of outreach:

Fireside Worship: Coming together as the Church to worship and share the gospel message.

Fireside Family: Year-round camps, retreats and conferences for youth, young adults and men’s and women’s groups.

Fireside Rest: We seek to offer support and teaching through small and large group settings by digging into God’s word with regard to finances, marriage, parenting and more. When God’s people find REST, peace follows.

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 Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

Whether you have walked with Jesus many years or are taking your first step towards Him, Fireside Ministries invites you to join us on the journey. We lead with Jesus. He is the Who and the Why behind all we do.

Sublime Audacity is our prayer and our approach. Lord, keep us willing to do bold things for Your glory!


Article One
We believe the Bible is the inerrant, inspired Word of the living God. The Bible is the final authority on all matters of life, faith and practice.

Article Two
We believe that there is one God, eternally existent in three persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Article Three
We believe in the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in the virgin birth, in His sinless life, in His miracles, in His atoning death through His shed blood, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right of the Father and in His personal return to Earth in power and glory.

Article Four
We believe that salvation is an act of God’s saving grace, through Christ alone, by the work of the Holy Spirit in regenerating and converting the hearts of individuals by His free gift of saving faith.

Article Five
We believe in the eternal separation from God in a literal hell for those who reject Jesus Christ, and everlasting life with the living God for the righteous.

Article Six
We believe that there is but one head of the Church, the Lord Jesus Christ, and that it is the responsibility of the Church and its institutions to maintain His Lordship over their activities and not submit that right to any individual, corporate body, governmental agency or head of state, as long as we conduct ourselves as ambassadors of Christ and live as lawful citizens.

Article Seven
We believe that every area of life is to be subject to the Lordship of Jesus Christ and seek to make Him known in all things.


Fireside Ministries offers events to encourage the Church, love our neighbors, and spread the gospel of Jesus Christ. This document describes the policies and procedures of Fireside Ministries, the responsibilities of the staff members, board members, and volunteers, and protecting those who take part in the ministry. The policies and procedures are upheld by Fireside Ministries and all involved in the workings of the ministry to protect everyone involved and represent Jesus Christ well.

All staff members, board members, and volunteers must cultivate a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and be actively involved in a local church body.

All staff members, board members, and volunteers must effectively represent Jesus Christ, as well as Fireside Ministries, in-person and on any social media platform, and abstain from sexual immorality, which includes, but is not limited to, adultery, homosexuality, pornography, or any sexual relations outside of marriage.

All staff members, board members, and volunteers must agree and uphold the Fireside Ministries policy and procedures and the statement of faith. Furthermore, all members and volunteers must go through a state and federal background check every year.

No tobacco, alcoholic products, nor illegal drugs are allowed on the property of Fireside Ministries.

Fireside Ministries is not under a specific church denomination. It operates as a non-profit parachurch ministry.

No fireworks of any kind are allowed on the property of Fireside Ministries.